Sent: 31 January 2024 13:01
To: Mary Atolagbe
Subject: RE: Licence Hearing


Hi Mary


I have reviewed the tenancy agreement and spoken to one of the housing team leaders.


There is nothing in the tenancy agreement stating that you can only open until 6pm.  The housing officer who dealt with her sign up has not worked for JRHT for a number of years so we can not confirm exactly what was said at the time.


We were not however not aware of any such agreement.


I have written to the tenant providing your contact details and encouraged her to discuss any concerns with you directly.  I have assured her that the premises will not be used as a bar and that people will not congregate outside her access to the building.


I have also said that if any issues arise on the pop up nights they will be addressed. 


I hope this helps and that your licensing hearing is successful.





Joseph Rowntree Foundation  |  Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust